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Monday 7 July 2014

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS: YouTube Re-Negotiating with Independent Artists Following Public Uproar

After public outcry from independent artists across the world, YouTube has softened its posture in negotiations on a new streaming music service. The uproar in the past weeks was over several provisions in the proposed contract, according to a report from the Financial Times.

A week-and-a-half ago, indie trade group IMPALA filed a formal complaint with the European Commission against YouTube over the disagreement, saying it was engaging in anticompetitive behavior. Now, according to a source contacted by the Financial Times, YouTube is “back-flipping and backtracking.”

Indies were rankled most by what appeared to be an ultimatum by YouTube, with the company telling labels that they would remove advertisements on their music videos, the service’sprincipal revenue generator, if they refused the contract’s terms, cutting them off from a stream that generates hundreds of millions of dollars for labels each year.

Independent labels and trade bodies were also upset by terms that appear to favor major labels, especially a “most-favored nation” clause that would enable YouTube to lower its rate of pay to indies if major labels agreed to a lower rate as well. Additionally, the service has a lower overall rate of payment, 65.5%, a drop from the 70% typical to streaming services like Spotify and Rdio.

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